20 Small Bench Dining Room Table Ideas For Your Next Dining Room Makeover

This post shows you the best small bench dining room table ideas!

Often, I am subjected to partial or complete makeovers in my house, and the worst affected area is the dining room.

Because my day begins and ends here, I am always in constant pursuit of maintaining a refreshing and inviting dining space.

I recently explored incorporating a small bench in my dining room, and the results are incredible.

They are excellent at seamlessly bringing style and charm to your dining space.

If you are considering a dining room makeover, here are 20 small bench table ideas that will transform your dining area into a haven of your choice.

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Small Bench Dining Room Table Ideas

Upholstered bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Upholstered bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/brickwarehouse/p/C2QY4fjMe9R/

Settle on a small distressed upholstered bench for extra comfort and style in your next dining makeover.

Complement this rustic touch by considering a rustic dining table, dining chairs, and carpet. 

Lastly, settle on a wooden sideboard to add warmth and bring a beautiful farmhouse appeal.

Built-in bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Built-in bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/p/C5N2bmuuDUX/

Another idea for your next dining room makeover is to have a built-in bench with cushions and a backrest for extra comfort.

Consider blending the grey color of the bench’s cushion with white for an elevated, inviting atmosphere.

Keep the space elegant and stylish using a gold-accented geometric chandelier and rectangular glass top table.

Consider a corner bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Consider a corner bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/p/C74aWqaODIi/

An L-shaped bench like this is built to utilize your corner space and provide adequate extra comfort.

To create an attractive space, include a few pieces of art on the wall and a beautiful centerpiece.

Consider black dining seats to elevate the ambiance of your space.

Go for a simple backless bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Go for a simple backless bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/plankandbeamfurniture/p/C8VAPvuvMTr/?img_index=1

If you want a simple design that will not overwhelm your space, settle on a wooden backless bench.

Keep the wood light-grained and match it with the dining table for a seamless warmth effect.

Consider hanging a large wall painting on the wall to keep the dining area appealing.

Paint your bench white.

small bench dining room table ideas - Paint your bench white.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/marymaguireart/p/C56Ddl8utnV/

Painting your small L-shaped bench white is the perfect makeover for a clean atmosphere.

Use colored and patterned throw pillow fabric for a decorative touch and comfort.

For elegance, settle on rattan dining chairs and a black wooden table adorned with beautiful potted plants.

Squeeze it to the corner.

small bench dining room table ideas - Squeeze it to the corner.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/morgandukephotography/p/C4MN_2UsRwq/?img_index=1

Maximize the small space available by squeezing a white built-in bench.

Adorn it with multiple-colored throw pillows and color-splash art on the wall.

Consider a simple green foliage potted plant for freshness.

Go for a small live-edge bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Go for a small live-edge bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/p/C45mz7GoPLW/

For your next makeover, consider a small live-edge bench.

Include a deep blue resin for an immense modern style and beauty display.

Consider the same design for your dining table, and keep your dining space elevated with a neatly finished subway brick wall and a custom-made wall clock.

Consider a leather finish on your bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Consider a leather finish on your bench.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/p/CxRu27Pog4n/?img_index=1

Nothing brings out style and elegance like a black leather finish on your upholstered small bench.

To add class, consider having modern-style upholstered dining seats in grey, leather fabric.

Finally, wrap up your makeover with two artificial green palm trees to create an inviting dining space.

Blend grey with white.

small bench dining room table ideas - Blend grey with white.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/homfurniture/p/C5h1zfENhy9/

Consider a simple grey upholstered wooden bench that will add charm to your white-dominated dining space.

Add a classic touch to the dining space by including two swivel dining chairs with a matching accent on the bench.

Hang flower pots with red petals to add a romantic touch to your dining room.

Go for a soft orange accent.

small bench dining room table ideas - Go for a soft orange accent.
Source – https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/o0ujky/wanted_a_white_oak_dining_table_built_a_white_oak/(https://preview.redd.it/q4zgccg3gj571.jpg?width=1257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f8a104b0abece51bba27f76dd9024b9a021af9)

If you are guided by simplicity and wooden design in your next makeover, a slim rectangular wooden bench with a matching table accent suits you.

Keep it in a soft orange accent for a warmth and cozy atmosphere.

Consider a wooden floor in an earthly tone for a grounding effect.

Go for a wooden bench with an armrest.

small bench dining room table ideas - Go for a wooden bench with an armrest.
Source – https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeDecorating/comments/1cofn7n/my_new_home_is_lacking_on_space_for_dining_and/(https://preview.redd.it/my-new-home-is-lacking-on-space-for-dining-and-living-so-id-v0-cphosr03nizc1.jpg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdacee0ffca750737c8346228cd7ff714d3d4880)

Consider a small upholstered wooden bench with a padded armrest for extra comfort for your next makeover.

Introduce a rustic charm through a racetrack-shaped wooden dining chair.

For an attractive yet cozy touch, settle on a mosaic dining carpet.

Keep it simply rustic.

small bench dining room table ideas - Keep it simply rustic.
Source – https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/comments/12c1b04/diy_cozy_dining_room_new_floors_built_bench_stand/(https://preview.redd.it/diy-cozy-dining-room-new-floors-built-bench-stand-v0-r5ue29k2yzra1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f6eee033b03512b277b0ba1050258444f1e39fd6)

Consider a simple farmhouse-designed white bench for a rustic touch to your dining set.

For extra comfort, consider tufted cushions on your rustic wooden chairs.

Consider a bohemian table runner and a white petal-inspired chandelier for a touch of elegance.

Mix and match your dining set.

small bench dining room table ideas - Mix and match your dining set.
Source – https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/a139gq/made_a_dining_room_table_and_matching_bench_tiny/(https://preview.redd.it/2gxgd0mtc0121.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=54e46c725941a8ad0b2bed03ae0e004b2beda6e8)

 Go for a matching small wooden bench and dining table to create a visual texture.

Consider using mahogany for an antique touch.

Settle on modern black leather padded dining chairs to elevate the style and glamour of your space.

Simply wooden

small bench dining room table ideas - Simply wooden
Source – https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1c0vbpo/wife_wanted_more_seating_for_the_dining_table/#lightbox(https://preview.redd.it/wife-wanted-more-seating-for-the-dining-table-v0-gwibyrvemptc1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ba65fb96180c9f5455e186313ee9ed534ab40fd6)

Consider installing a cushion-free L-shaped built-in small bench in your next makeover to add a rustic stamp to your space.

Paint it green to evoke a relaxed feeling of refreshment.

For extra comfort, consider plush throw pillows and cushioned seats.

Settle on a glossy wooden finish.

small bench dining room table ideas - Settle on a glossy wooden finish.
Source – https://www.facebook.com/OZDesignFurniture/photos/a.414636188547891/2076001262411367/?type=3

A glossy wooden furnishing on your small dining bench is a classy way of elevating your dining space.

Consider installing glossy white backsplash tiles to add a reflective beauty to your dining area.

Adorn your dining table with simple yet luxurious centerpieces for a contemporary touch.

Match your bench with the floor.

small bench dining room table ideas - Match your bench with the floor.
Source – https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=797629945731852&set=pcb.797630272398486

In your next makeover, consider settling on an earthly tone on your wooden table, small wooden bench, and floor for a seamless display of wooden designs.

Go for a wooden tray décor for a touch of modern rustic style.

Hang a geometric candle chandelier to create an inviting and romantic atmosphere.

Consider a distressed wooden bench.

small bench dining room table ideas - Consider a distressed wooden bench.
Source – https://x.com/CoricraftSA/status/979614310824542208/photo/1

Consider a distressed small dining bench and a farmhouse-inspired floor carpet if you want a rustic design in your next male over.

Elevate your dining space’s elegance by adorning your table with custom-shaped brass and ceramic pots.

Opt for a transparent glass wall for an airy feel.

Consider wood and metal designs.

small bench dining room table ideas - Consider wood and metal designs.
Source – https://x.com/RachelPedd/status/1794671672156631540/photo/1

Incorporate a small wooden bench, but let it rest on a metallic frame for a classic touch to your dining set.

Adorn your table with a dark grey table runner and a minimalist flower vase for glamour.

Hang an artistic woven pendant light casing fixture to elevate the beauty in your dining space.

Go for craftsmanship.

small bench dining room table ideas - Go for craftsmanship.
Source – https://x.com/jossandmain/status/1162393815514091520/photo/1

Include two wooden benches with a crocheted finish for a unique style display in the next makeover.

Consider a marble-top rectangular table and a gold accent geometric chandelier to add a luxurious touch to your space.

Hang a sea-inspired painting and match it with different shades of blue for an inviting feel.

Consider built-in shelves.

small bench dining room table ideas - Consider built-in shelves.
Source – https://www.instagram.com/adaptinteriordesign/p/C221lZwvgGx/?img_index=2

Consider a built-in small bench with shelves if you want extra storage solutions in your next makeover.

Install an extension to the ceiling with open shelves for an elegant display of décor.

Paint your bench and cabinets green to introduce a calming atmosphere.

Small Bench Dining Room Table Ideas

If you love these ideas, don’t forget to pin the above image to your “Dining Room” board.

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